
Exploring the Beauty of Blue Flowers in Hawaii

Immerse yourself in the beauty of blue flowers in Hawaii with our guide. Discover the diverse array of floral hues from azure to indigo, learn about their unique characteristics, and find inspiration for incorporating these stunning blooms into your tropical garden paradise.


Hawaii is a place full of colorful wonders. Among these, blue flowers stand out like little bits of sky on earth. Let’s look at 10 amazing blue flowers you can find in Hawaii!


1. Blue Ginger (Dichorisandra thyrsiflora)

Vibrant Blue Ginger bloom with yellow centers nestled among lush green foliage.


Don’t let the name fool you – this isn’t real ginger! Blue Ginger has deep blue flowers that look like tiny stars. It likes shady spots and can grow up to 6 feet tall.

Learn more about Blue Ginger


2. Blue Plumbago (Plumbago auriculata)

Macro shot of stunning blue Plumbago blossoms.

This plant is a favorite in Hawaiian gardens. It has light blue flowers that bloom all year round. Plumbago is easy to grow and attracts butterflies.

Plumbago care tips


3. Blue Hydrangea (Hydrangea macrophylla)

Close-up image showcasing vibrant purple Blue Hydrangea flowers.

Hydrangeas can change color based on the soil. In Hawaii, you can get them to turn a lovely sky blue by making the soil more acidic.

Hydrangea color science


4. Morning Glory (Ipomoea)

Purple Morning Glory flower covered in water droplets.

These climbing vines have trumpet-shaped flowers that open up each morning. In Hawaii, you can find varieties with beautiful blue blooms.

Morning Glory info


5. Blue Jacaranda (Jacaranda mimosifolia)

Stunning purple Blue Jacaranda flower in full bloom on a tree.

This tree turns parts of Hawaii into a purple-blue wonderland when it blooms. It’s not native to Hawaii but has become a beloved sight.

Jacaranda tree facts


6. Blue Jade Vine (Strongylodon macrobotrys)

 A Blue Jade Vine, a large green plant with blue flowers, blooming beautifully in a garden.

This vine is rare but stunning. Its flowers hang in long blue-green clusters that look almost unreal. It’s a prized plant in Hawaiian gardens.

Blue Jade Vine conservation


7. Hawaiian Blue-eyed Grass (Sisyrinchium acre)

Blue Hawaiian Blue-eyed Grass flower with yellow center surrounded by green plants.

This is a true Hawaiian native. It has small but bright blue star-shaped flowers. Sadly, it’s becoming rare in the wild.

Native Hawaiian plant conservation


8. Blue Daze (Evolvulus glomeratus)

Blue Daze flower, white petals, surrounded by vibrant green leaves.

This low-growing plant has small but bright sky-blue flowers that open in the morning. It’s great for ground cover in sunny spots.

Blue Daze care guide


9. Blue Porterweed (Stachytarpheta jamaicensis)

A blue flower known as Blue Porterweed, growing gracefully on a thin stem.

This plant has long spikes of tiny blue-purple flowers. It’s loved by butterflies and easy to grow in Hawaii.

Porterweed benefits


10. Blue Ginger Butterfly Pea (Clitoria ternatea)

A bunch of blue and white flowers, Blue Ginger Butterfly Pea, held by someone.

This vine has deep blue flowers shaped like butterflies. It’s used in Hawaiian cooking to make blue tea and food coloring.

Butterfly Pea uses


Growing Blue Flowers in Hawaii

Want to add these blue beauties to your garden? Here are some tips:

  • Check the sun: Some blue flowers like shade, others need full sun.
  • Test your soil: For blue hydrangeas, make sure your soil is acidic.
  • Water right: Most blue flowers in Hawaii like moist but not soggy soil.
  • Prune regularly: This helps plants stay healthy and bloom more.

Hawaiian gardening tips


Blue Flowers in Hawaiian Culture

Blue flowers have a special place in Hawaiian culture. They’re often used in lei making and represent the ocean in floral arrangements. The rare blue jade vine is especially prized for its unique color.

Hawaiian lei making traditions


Protecting Native Blue Flowers

Some of Hawaii’s native blue flowers are becoming rare. By learning about these plants and supporting conservation efforts, we can help keep them safe for future generations.

Hawaii’s Rare Plant Program


Wrap Up

From the deep blue of the Blue Ginger to the sky-blue of Morning Glories, Hawaii’s blue flowers are a treat for the eyes. These cool-toned blooms offer a beautiful contrast to the warm colors of the tropics. Whether you’re planning a garden or just enjoying nature, keep an eye out for these blue beauties on your next Hawaiian adventure!

Remember, each blue flower in Hawaii has its own story and needs. By learning about them, we can better appreciate and care for these natural treasures. So next time you’re in Hawaii, take a moment to stop and admire the blue!

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